Get Happy with Good Gut Health
These Happiness-boosting Products Aim to Redefine the Meaning of ‘Comfort Food’ by Emily Laurence, Well + Good, July 4, 2019
CCD Innovation’s Kara Nielsen comments on the rise of new supplements, beverages and foods that include ingredients geared to promote improved moods via improved gut health. Prebiotic fibers from green bananas and other plants, adaptogenic herbs such as ashwagandha and rhodiola, and a host of other flowers and herbs are targeting stress relief and systemic imbalances. With regular use, the hope is that a healthier digestive tract leads to good moods and a more positive outlook.
“The overarching quest for happiness has grown recently,” Nielsen mentions. “Issues like global warming, poverty, immigration and politics have always happened to the human race, but the issues are very acute right now. We’re super stressed out.” >>Read More
image credit: by Well+Good Creative